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How to Get a Dog to Quit Barking at People - Things to Consider

Does your dog bark at every person he sees? Do you want to know how to get a dog to stop barking at people? Does it make you nervous when he barks at people for no apparent reason? I'm going to try to help you out with this problem. It isn't hard. Believe it or not, it is more you than your dog!
Dogs bark at different times, but it seems that your dog likes to bark when there is a person around that isn't you. That is the key, reread that, THAT ISN'T YOU. Dogs, like humans, will protect the ones they care about and love. When your dog barks at a person it usually isn't because he wants to fight or attack the person, he is just protecting you. It is the same for when a dog barks while inside at people on the outside. Your dog knows that people are walking near his home, he is just letting them know that he will protect it and you! This isn't always the case, but most of the time it is. Please don't misunderstand this!
Before you try to figure out how to get a dog to stop barking at people you have to do a couple of things:
1) When you are walking a dog, check your own energy. Dogs can feel your energy. If you are nervous about the person approaching you, your dog will be to. Always stay calm!
2) Never, ever, pull back on the leash to get your dog to quit barking at a person. Pulling back is almost a signal to your dog to keep doing it. Think about it, your dog is used to you pulling him back, that tells him to lunge forward.
3) Start out with people you know and people your dog knows and doesn't bark at. Have them approach you, stay calm, and let them come and greet your dog. Praise and treat your dog when he doesn't bark. This will tell your dog that he is doing good by not barking!
4) If your dog is having a problem barking at people, or other things, outside his home, keep in mind that barking is his way of warning people that he will protect his home. If it is a huge problem, close the blinds.

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